Workshop on Philosophy and Neuroscience (WPN 2018)

Workshop de Filosofía y Neurociencia

Workshop on Philosophy and Neuroscience

This year is the 10th anniversary of the Cognition, Language, and Perception Research Group (CLP Group), located at the Philosophy Institute, School of Humanities, University of Buenos Aires (FFyL-UBA). As a celebration, the CLP Group together with the Research Groups located at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities Research Center of the National University of Córdoba (CIFFyH-UNC), and at the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience (LPEN), member of the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (INCyT), organize the first Workshop on Philosophy and Neuroscience .

Date and Location

November, 26-27, 2018. Biblioteca del C3 – Centro Cultural de la Ciencia, Polo Científico Tecnológico, Godoy Cruz 2270, City of Buenos Aires.

Keynote speakers

  • Cory Wright (California State University – Long Beach)
  • Agustín Ibañez (LPEN-INECO)

Organizing Committee: Sergio Barberis (UBA), Sabrina Haimovici (UBA), Lucas Sedeño (LPEN), Nicolás Serrano (UBA, CONICET), Liza Skidelsky (UBA, CONICET), Nicolás Venturelli (UNC, CONICET).

Academic Committee: Santiago Amaya (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia), Pedro Bekinschtein (INCYT, CONICET), Adolfo García (LPEN, CONICET), Cecilia González (INCYT, CONICET), Liza Skidelsky (Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET), David Travieso (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).

The WPN 2018 counts with the support of the Instituto de Filosofía (UBA), and the Asociación Filosófica Argentina (AFRA).